Best Warts & Skin Tag Removal in Mumbai

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Many people confuse skin tags and warts because they look similar. While both are typically harmless and non-cancerous, warts are contagious and need professional attention to prevent spreading. 

Skin tags are commonly located on the neck, face, underarms, and within body folds, among other areas. They generally don't cause pain or discomfort but may sometimes cause minor irritation due to chafing and sweating from clothing. In addition, the appearance of skin tags can make some individuals feel self-conscious or embarrassed.


  • Radiofrequency (RF) cautery uses tissue resistance to counter high-frequency radio waves delivered at low temperatures.
  • As high-frequency waves travel through a handheld electrode, the tissue resists its flow, producing heat. This heat elevates the internal pressure in the tissue mass, causing the intracellular water to reach extremely high temperatures. The increased pressure leads to the rupture of cell walls.
  • The heat disperses when the water inside the intracellular tissue vaporises, causing tissue proteins to coagulate. This action results in haemostasis, or the stopping of blood flow, eliminating the need to burn the tissue as typically required in such procedures.
  • Minimal scarring risk, as removal takes place at a very superficial level.
  • Enhanced and quicker healing.
  • Limited damage to the surrounding skin.
  • Slight pain and swelling
  • No bleeding.
  • After treatment, keep the area clean, dry, and protected from direct sunlight using sunscreen.
  • You will observe immediate results.
  • Some possible side effects include minor swelling, redness and tenderness in the treated area, which may last for a few days as the skin heals.
  • Most patients experience minimal pain or discomfort during the procedure. A local anaesthetic is applied to the treatment area to minimise any sensation.